We all have at least one… Learn about the most famous psychological contract
It also has a psychological incision that is penetrated by ills that are no less dangerous and have no impact on the lives of one of the most serious physical diseases, diseases that may consume us from within and affect our overall behavior and details of our lives even without feeling it. In psychology, this is called complexes.
Whether you are involved in psychology or are interested in knowing its concepts and principles, you must be aware that psychological problems and nodes represent the core and nucleus of psychotherapy in all fields. To manage. In this article, we will go on a trip to review the details of the most prominent psychological contract in psychology and how to embody and different features.
What is a psychological node?
Someone may answer that it is a series of overlaps and psychological interactions (literal meaning of the word node), and this is in fact an injury to something of the correct meaning, but nevertheless, the meaning of the psychological node is so deep that there are psychologists who devoted his life to understand the nature of this situation The psyche called the node.
Psychotic nodes in their simplified sense are an idea or a set of complex ideas that are connected with a strong emotional charge that runs through them. One of us may not remember how it began, or even what details it gave us to emerge in our lives, but it is inevitable that it may take over, in whole or in part, our lives and actions subconsciously. It can be likened to a fuzzy blind spot in our thinking.
The famous writer and philosopher Roger Mukiali says in his book The Psychological Contract:
“We must realize that the psychological node is not only an intellectual and emotional integration present in consciousness, but also the content of this integration, which suggests the self-defense of the ego against the thoughts, memories and even the sensations aroused by the stimuli of the present reality.”
In this article we will divide into two parts, first dealing with large nodes with a harsh impact on the course of a person's life, followed by the second one in which we will review the nodes inherent in the lightest damage, as well as the daily psychological nodes that do not have a fixed name.
Large psychological nodes
Hero Knot
The first psychological contract is on our list. As the name suggests, people with this node have a great deal of need for self-esteem around them. They often describe the events that happen with them in a heroic way that is not without many exaggerations in order to sense self-esteem.
We often observe this type of psychological node in people who are substandard in their jobs, but nevertheless they need to be appreciated. This means that one of them will be willing to make achievements in his job and the extent of the difficulties faced by them, hoping to show him some appreciation that does not receive in his work. Not to mention that these people play the role of savior in many situations they encounter with those around them, although this may be a great burden on them.
Sadly, the astonishment at which the actions of those around them are received increases their grief and depression, so frustration is one of the most common complications of a heroic ganglion that needs proper counseling and treatment.
Guilt complex
This node is one of the most difficult and most severe psychological nodes for those who suffer from it. It is the complex of those who live - almost permanently - in the sense of self-sin, for fear of bad work, and in constant shame of themselves. These people surround themselves with a cycle of constant blame for any speeches made by those around them. Self-indictment is a constant reaction to every unsuccessful action.
They can hardly blame others, often attributing the causality of all evil and its consequences to themselves, filling their hearts with feelings of hatred and hatred towards themselves. The root cause of this psychotic node is often due to an event with a large and bad impact that they could not prevent in their past.
What is noteworthy here is the close connection between this guilt node and the node of failure.
Intervention and psychosocial counseling are required in order to address this node, although extremely difficult to resolve.
Danger node or insecurity
This psychological node is considered by many to be the most destructive of the life of the injured person, who lives in constant fear, panic and anticipation of the danger around him, he thinks that there is a real danger at any time. The victim also envisages the presence of a person or a group of people to watch for harm. This creates a sense of insecurity, even in a secure environment. It also engenders a constant suspicion of others and a deep distrust that gradually affects social relations at various levels.
What distinguishes the disorder is the absence of a mental trial to distinguish between possible and unlikely and unlikely, making him imagine that minor bleeding in the gums as a sign of cancer, or that slipping on a banana peel may lead to complete paralysis. Continuous anticipation and illusions almost always restrict most of his actions, making the lifestyle of the injured unbearable hell.
Overcoming the complex of fear requires psychological counseling as well as a near-radical change in the current lifestyle of the injured person, in the hope of avoiding the surrounding circumstances that generate the features of this node.
Small psychological nodes
In the first section of our topic about the most prominent decade in psychology, we dealt with the concept and types of psychological node, and we dealt with the first part of it, which we described as 'big nodes' and its characteristics, and reviewed together how it affects the lives of those who suffer from them and how their lifestyles are characterized and affected.
Let us follow in our second section here the sequel to the other major types of nodes, which we describe as "less impact" on the lives of people suffering from them, but nevertheless have a clear impact on their lives and their actions. Let us now begin to describe these nodes and their features and how they are embodied in those affected.
Inferiority complex
Those with this node are dominated by a sense of incompetence, and may even end up failing at all scales at all levels. Most of us must go through these times when we feel that we do not succeed in achieving what we want and aspire to.
The patient experiences a permanent sense of failure and worthlessness compared to others. This encircles their success in any sphere of life and leads them to isolationism and neglect themselves, so that they may even refuse any praise from others, or even respond to any assistance from people around them on the pretext that they do not deserve any effort made for them. Psychological counseling is essential for these persons.
This psychotic node is completely opposite to its predecessor. These people do not even feel that they need to show their superiority over others.
The only thing that satisfies them is that they are themselves. If they give up and share their activities, it is only for strategic reasons that, if so, they are unable to develop genuine and genuine relationships with others.
This node is usually hereditary, but in rare cases it is acquired from the surrounding environment. They need counseling only if the person is in full control.
Unity node
This node stems from the bad experiences and events that have happened to man with the outside world. The idea that “staying alone is better than being with others” prevails in the mind of the injured and this leads to the patient's dryness and distance from contact and mixing with those around him.
In addition to the unjustified acquisition of the idea that no one can understand his feelings and suffering, which prevents him from building lasting social relations and normal with others, without mentioning the strange feeling of happiness that he finds only and only in unity and isolation from all around him.
This psychological node must be fought at the beginning of the appearance of signs on the child or adolescent. Warm family atmosphere and good and pleasant companionship will play a big role in preventing the development of this node, and psychological counseling will positively affect its curb and treatment.
Ordinary life psychic nodes
After reviewing several key nodes of an obsessive nature, we will then move on to what is known in psychology as “naming nodes”, life nodes that many of us may suffer without feeling, due to their limited impact on Our actions and our way of living.
Names that are not named in ordinary life can be considered as involuntary backlash against a situation, opinion, or even behavior. For example, many of us cannot tolerate darkness, others do not tolerate swimsuit, stand in front of the masses, or even cannot ride the elevator for some reason they cannot justify, and these reflexive behaviors we call psychology in the psychological contract of life.
In other words, each of us has several sensitive points (or weaknesses) which, when sensed or injured, trigger some kind of inappropriate mechanical behavior without regard to the circumstances and temporal and spatial qualities of the current situation.
This kind of psychological contract is very simple and hardly affects our lives, and sometimes even leaves a good character in some of our actions, which inevitably does not require consultation or treatment, and can live with it positively.
In spite of the many psychological nodes that we have reviewed in our topic, there is still a huge amount of other sub nodes narrower to mention all of them. Although they all share the same basic characteristics.
What you should be aware of, dear reader, is that whether you are suffering or know someone suffering from one of those nodes does not mean the end of the world, depression and despair are the main obstacle to overcome those psychological nodes. The treatment of these nodes, like other types of medical treatment, requires patience, perseverance and constant follow-up treatment, and any of us can completely bypass them with adequate care and care.
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