The new Office app for Microsoft is more organized and elegant .. All your tools in one place

Microsoft recently unveiled a new Office application that combines Excel, Word, PowerPoint and PDF in one application, which is designed specifically for smartphone users and is available on the Android and iOS stores to experience directly and you can experience from here, and the company aims to put everything The user needs their own desktop software in one place instead of downloading each application individually.This new application now looks like a central hub for Microsoft to showcase all the new features that have been gradually added to Word, Excel and PowerPoint in recent months.

It has many features like PDF sign-in, the ability to create an Excel file by simply scanning an image of a table, and easily converting multiple images or a single image into a Word or PDF file, quickly recognizing texts and much smaller app size than separate apps. In particular, Lens is a sub-mode for scanning documents. If a user is in a lecture or meeting, the app facilitates access to information and feedback without much effort.
In addition, the app allows you to take notes and keep them in a similar way to Google Keep, where you can take text, create lists, and attach pictures as well and can help users in many other situations. Fluent Design, more elegant and features an orange-colored 3D design.


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