Are you worried? Learn with us the most important manifestations of Anxiety, Its causes and methods of treatment.

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), anxiety is a natural emotion in every person who is predominant in feelings of tension, fear, discomfort and frequent disturbing thoughts. It may be associated with many physical changes such as increased blood pressure, sweating, tremor, dizziness, insomnia. Some people consider it a reaction to a real or imaginary fear or obsession or threat.

Often, when most people feel natural and healthy, especially in stressful times or with some problems in personal life, it is a natural emotion to survive when a person finds himself in danger. However, it can become a disorder that is a burden on a person's life when he or she is overstretched, or when the person suffers day after day, even at a low level.If it lasts for more than 6 months, it may be a generalized anxiety disorder that affects many people without their knowledge.

Types Of Anxiety

General anxiety disorder
The most common disorder is a chronic disorder that includes the inability to stop feeling excessively worried about any events in everyday life, and it is also difficult for a person to determine why they feel stressed. Sometimes they are ridiculous and common causes such as bills or relationships that can cause unhealthy thinking and prevent people from relaxing even when doing the things they enjoy or love. If this feeling intensifies it can cause a lot of trouble and problems in relationships, activities or work.

This disorder can affect people of any age, even children, but it has been observed that it often occurs between childhood and adolescence (youth) and affects women more often than men.

Panic disorder
It is a sudden attack of fear and intense fear accompanied by some physical symptoms such as increased heartbeat, sweating, dizziness, nausea, chest pain. These disorders usually occur after experiencing a frightening experience or prolonged stress and sometimes may occur without cause, and some may diagnose symptoms such as heart attack or death, but it is nevertheless one of the most types of anxiety can be treated.

People experience this kind of disorder after going through a terrible trauma or a very difficult situation such as the death of a relative or friend.The most important symptom is to remember the painful memories of the past constantly, the loss of interest in things that were previously enjoyable and desirable, the constant discomfort and sometimes violence in some situations. It is a condition that can be treated psychologically and medically.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder
It is a stressful, uncontrollable and uncontrollable thoughts in which a person feels the constant and urgent need to make certain actions, such as checking the door or car lock, constantly inspecting personal items for no convincing or important reason. It can also be treated with psychological counseling and some medications.

Social anxiety disorder
Defined as a sense of panic and fear in public social situations, fear of negative prejudice from others or public embarrassment, such as awe during a social event such as appearing on stage, fear of emotional relationships and anxiety about prior rejection. This disorder can cause people to avoid public events or interpersonal relationships to such an extent that their lives are difficult and isolated.This may manifest people with certain symptoms such as sweating, stuttering, redness and nausea and is helped by psychosocial support and certain medications.

It is an unjustified intense fear of ordinary things and often does not cause any damage and has many forms such as phobia of high places, phobia of closed spaces (elevators), phobia of flight and phobias of some types of animals such as dogs and many others.

Most people are not looking for a cure because they always try to avoid exposure to what they fear, but it is also a species that can be easily treated.

Causes of anxiety

Its causes are many and complex and cannot be combined, but we will now mention the most common ones:

  • Genetic causes that play a major role in family anxiety.
  • Environmental pressures, whether at work, family or personal relationships.
  • Mental health disorders (chemistry of the brain or hormones) where the imbalance of hormone levels in the body and electrical signals in the brain are one of the main causes of anxiety disorders.
  • Medical causes such as the negative side effects of certain medications, the incidence of certain diseases and the effects of difficult surgery or prolonged recovery from a disease.
  • Trauma such as children who may be traumatized or ill-treated or have experienced traumatic events in their childhood.
  • Accumulation of problems and difficulties, albeit small, such as the death of a relative or friend, constant concern about financial resources or daily work pressures.
  • Drug or alcohol addiction.

Symptoms of anxiety

Common signs and symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Pain and tension in the muscles.
  • Headache.
  • Nausea.
  • Trembling.
  • Tingling in the heart.
  • Nervousness.
  • Difficulty concentrating.
  • Tired.
  • Confusion.
  • Insomnia and lack of sleep.
  • Shortness or excessive breathing.
  • Increased irritation.
  • Sweating.
  • feel helpless.
  • Digestive problems.

Its complications

Depression, mental health disorders, drug abuse (addiction), permanent insomnia, gastrointestinal problems (gastric ulcers, irritable bowel disorders), chronic headaches, social isolation, work or school problems, suicide, psycho-emotional instability, immune system weakness, heart disease, atherosclerosis and cardiac slaughter All of which are complications of anxiety.

Treatment of anxiety

  • Psychological counseling (cognitive behavioral therapy): This is done with the help of a psychological counselor helps the person in identifying his negative thoughts and fears and how to calm himself in the event of disorder or advised some activities that ease it.
  • Medical treatment (medication): such as some antidepressant medications such as benzodiazepine that help to relieve anxiety but it may take about a month to appear, and also pay attention to how long it is taken so as not to cause addiction or any other side effects such as drowsiness or dry mouth or weight gain Therefore, you should consult your doctor before taking any dosage.
  • Self-medication: In some cases of mild and moderate anxiety disorder, anyone can treat themselves at home without medical supervision. Some simple routine changes in human life can greatly help relieve anxiety, such as caffeine-containing drinks or certain medications. Take enough rest each day, eat healthy foods, relaxation techniques, deep breathing exercises, long baths, brisk walking, regulate stress and actions, do positive-negative substitution exercises, choose trusted, supportive people, and exercise. T may help improve the self-image of the person and restore self-confidence and positive feelings.
  • Herbal remedies: Some of us may hear from older people some advice on the use of sedative herbs and want to try it, but be careful and consult a specialist before to see if it is safe, many of them can cause interactions with some depression drugs or pills as some of them possible any It causes liver damage, so be careful before using it.


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